We specialize in successfully placing specialists from abroad in German hospitals and nursing homes. We prepare the specialists intensively for their new phase of life before they start work.
Get to know each other personally
We get to know each other and find out from you what kind of staff you are looking for.
Applicant profiles
We create applicant profiles for you, in which you will find all relevant data at a glance.
Job interviews
You are welcome to get to know the applicants in an online interview. We will be happy to organize this for you and will of course be present at the meetings.
Application to the immigration office
We take care of the bureaucracy in the background. Documents that are addressed to you will be completed by us in advance to relieve you of additional work.
Entry into Germany
We welcome the specialists at the airport, if you would like to be there, we will be happy to organize this together. On our Arrival Days, we take care of all the necessary administrative formalities with the skilled workers, open a bank account, sign a mobile phone contract and show you around Fulda. We also show them their accommodation and prepare them for their daily work routine within 7-10 days.
German course
The specialists will receive several weeks of on-site training at our partner, the DRK Academy. During this period, you will continue to learn the German language and have time to familiarize yourself with your new surroundings and new way of life before you start your real working life with us.
Knowledge test
We are pleased to offer you the opportunity to cooperate with our partner LINGODA. We would be happy to introduce you to each other.